Familienblatt für: 7936 Drieß Brögelmann  und Trintgen Wyppermann
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Drieß Brögelmann in der Kaullen auf der Awe   
Geboren: am 01.03.1592.
Gestorben: am 31.10.1648.

Johann  vor dem BROGEL in der Kaullen. * um 1562.  + 04.1619.
Heirat am 20.10.1585   mit
Urssel  DÖPPERS.

Heirat am 22.04.1615
Trintgen Wyppermann auf'm Cleff im Kirspel Schwelm   
Gestorben: am 04.05.1652.

 1. Trintgen  Brögelmann

 2. Grietgen  Brögelmann * am 11.09.1616.

 3. Cordt  Brögelmann * um 1617.
Ehe: mit
Stinken   + am 11.04.1682.

 4. Benedictus  Brögelmann * um 1618.  + am 19.12.1683.
Ehe: mit
Maria  OLLPE

 5. Engell  Brögelmann * am 25.09.1621.  + am 21.12.1674.
Ehen: mit
Metzgen  in der HILSBECK + am 27.01.1657.

Heirat am 21.07.1659  mit
Mary  MIRGELBERG + am 07.07.1685.

 6. Andrieß  Brögelmann * um 1623.
Ehen: mit
Enntgen  HOCHSTEIN + am 23.04.1673.
Heirat am 08.03.1674  mit
Catharina  BREDT

Von Benedictus Brögelmann stammt in einer langen Reihe von Generationen Julia N. Solovjova aus Moskau ab. Nähreres entnehmen Sie bitte aus der Mitteilung, die ich von Frau Solovjova erhielt:


The reader is offered to get acquainted with one of German surnames known in pre-revolutionary Moscow suburbs - Rabeneck which had the manufactures in Bolshevo, Shchelkovo and Reutov. Near to factories there were arranged many settlements for workers with the full infrastructure. Authors tried to install complex connections of family Rabeneck with other surnames and to find their descendants, and so the book became some significant addition to the previous editions about history of districts.

When in 1822 in Russia there has been forbidden import of stuffed fabrics and privileges are given for domestic factories on stuffing and dyeing yarn, the foreign experts having experience and capitals began to come to Moscow. Among them Franz and Ludwig Rabeneck, arrived of the German city Elberfeld. Being businessmen, engineers, financiers, Rabenecks in Moscow provided by work the agricultural population and organized his  life. Being in constant contact to them historical native land Germany, they introduced the last achievements of the European technical equipment into Russian manufacture, and it allowed them to receive considerable profits.

After October revolution Rabeneck manufactory have been nationalized, but till now a part of old constructions are still used. All Rabenecks emigrated, and they did not take away any capital from Russia and could not continue family business abroad. They had only paper actions of the Companies where consisted as directors.

So, Franz Rabeneck come to Bolshevo near 1827 y. soon after death of P. I. Odoevsky and rented his manor stood on coast of the river of Klyazma.

In a year of arrival Franz Rabeneck to Bolshevo all the grounds were in possession of Committee of guardianship about poor. He founded the factory. We result some data about factory in Bolshevo from Moscow province:

·  1827 the Basis of F. Rabeneck's institution.
·  May, 1839 - In S.Peterburg s bulletin it was informed, that dyting master Franz Rabenek is awarded the small silver medal for dyeing of a paper into different colors.
·  1845. Factory Fr. Rabeneck in village Bolshevo, 132 workers, the turnover - 136 thousand rbl., lets out the red yarn.
·  10/15/1840. Decree ЕИВ in the Moscow State Chamber: From foreigners the Russian citizen Franz Andreev Rabeneck (56 years, live in Mjasniski Part of Moscow) it is written down Moscow merchant class on 2-nd guild in Basmsnnaja large village.
·  In 1852 were registered:

In Bolshevo at ground of Committee of the Philanthropic society, here there was dyeing factory of a merchant of 3-rd guild Franz Rabeneck.

·   1857. The merchant of 1-st guild Franz Rabeneck has a residence in Moscow, in Iauzski part, in Serebrjanacsheskaja rue, in A.N.Ostrovsky's house.
·   1872. Herman Rabenek, 52, a merchant of 1-st guild with 1861, has dyeing institution on own ground in village Bolshevo of 2-nd Stan of Moscow district. In the same place he was living. Trade by red yarn under firm «Franz Rabeneck sons» was in Moscow house of Baranova.
·   1872. Evald Johann Rabeneck, 56 years, the Bavarian citizen, merchans of 1-nt guild with 1861, has factory of a red yarn in village Bolshevo. Trade in a yarn under firm «Франца Рабенека sons» on the street Varvarka in house of Baranova. He was lining in the hous of Golubeva in Basmsnnaja Part, 1 quart.
·   1873. The sanction to creation «Companies Franz Rabeneck and Ernest Shpiss» for the content and expansion of the factory existed under firm «Fr. Rabeneck son». The Fixed capital - 500 thousand rbl. (500 actions on 1000 rbl.). Into board have entered:
·    1913. In village Bolshevo there is factory of firm «Fr. Rabeneck», at factory an apartment of the police supervisor and 2 policemen, hospital at factory, a shelter of  Moscow Society of encouragement of diligence, an almshouse, school of Committee of the Philanthropic society, a factory bench of the Consumer society, a beer bench, a tavern, a country place on the ground of the Philanthropic society at station.

About family of Franz Rabeneck from the book P. Jagenberg Familie Gagenberg (1929)

I shall tell about history of the Rabeneck family as their destiny were often crossed with Jagenberg. Family Rabeneck happens from mountains. Elberfeld, some generations they were engaged in dyeing of a yarn in red color in mountains. Wuppertal. They have become related with the Jagenberg Family owing to that two daughters from the notable Elberfeld family Brogelmann have married for Franz Rabeneck (one) and Ferdinand Jagenberg (another). In 1830th Rabenecks have gone bankrupt and soon after that brothers Franz and Ludwig have moved to Russia where they had business ties, and have located near to Moscow: Franz - in Bolshevo, Ludwig in Schelkovo. At both were красильни for a yarn (in red color). They have succeeded and in 10 years have paid all the debts which have remained in Germany.

After death of Franz Rabeneck in 1856 business in Bolshevo, despite of everything, went well, Herman Rabeneck with the family of veins in Bolshevo and was engaged in manufacture, Evald veins in Moscow and was engaged in commerce. So could and proceed, but brothers have failed in the business. In 1873 they have sold the factory to a merchant on surname Шпис which has formed Joint-stock company. Evald Rabeneck has returned about the manor to Germany, under a Würzburg. He was died 11.11.1873 in the age of 63 years. Herman Rabeneck moved with the family all over again to Dresden, and then to Wiesbaden. He was died 1.14.1892 in the age of 74 years.

Yis senior daughter Berta of 3.19.1876 has married my brother Charles, and his daughter Matilda in October, 1881 for other my brother Rihard. In 1884 wife Herman, Julia was died. She was the fine wife and mother. Son Herman, Franz, was incurably sick.

Sons of Evald, Friz and George, have received wrong education and in further their destiny have developed is unhappy. George Rabeneck served in army, married in 1879 on Pauline Rullmann. His attempt to borrow in an agriculture has not crowned success. In 1893 he was died in the age of 37 years. Friz could not work in Sobolevo as other branch of family Rabeneck dominated. He has moved to Kiev on sugar factory, married in 1889 on Mile Shmeling from Riga, At them was four children: Herbert, Greta, Helmut and Willi. (From edit. - In ЦИАМ, ф. 418, оп. 327, д. 1877, business of the student of faculty of law ИМУ, German citizen Wilhelm Fridrihovich Rabeneck is kepting. From documents: he was born 1.10.1894 in Kiev, in family sugar fabricant Friedrich Rabeneck and his wife Emilie Genriette nee Shmeling, both евангелически-lutheran creeds.

Franz Rabeneck has died in 1856 in Koblenz (Germany). At him were: sons - Johann, Herman and daughters - Berta, Emilie and Maria. It is known, that Herman and Johann continued to own factory in Bolshevo up to 1872.

Daughter Ioganna, Emma (1832-1876), has married for Edward (Dmitry Andreevich) Berens. One time he was director of an insurance society "Anchor", then worked in Moskow insurance society from fire, had the house in Moscow in Gousjatnikov lane.

Anna Ioganovna Rabeneck (1850-1883) has married manufacturer Wilhelm Karnatz (1836-1909). At them was four children (Walter…).

Much enough it is known about family of Emilie Frantsevna Rabenek who has married businessman Phillip Maximilian Wogau. They had sons Gugo, Otto, daughters Emilie and Emma. Wogau happened from Frankfurt a. M. He has arrived to Moscow in 1827, in 1840 he he established the trading house “Wogau and Co” on trading of Chinese tea, with 1860 M. M.Wogau - the hereditary honourable citizen. In 1889 his wife, Emilie b, Rabeneck registered the house along the street Voronzovo  field and manor Necludovo. Originally his brothers participated in business - Charles and Fridrich Wogau. After K.Vogau founded himself business in Petersburg and was engaged in trade in chemical and colonial goods. In following generation Gugo Maximovich Wogau, grandson of Franz Rabeneck> continued to conduct firm «Вогау and To», among last owners there was also his son-in-law, Gugo Mavrik Mark (the husband of his daughter Elza). With the beginning of the First world war German businessmen had nany difficulties. So, by pogrom Moscow office Vogau had been ruined, and in 1916 y. they have sold the shares and emigrated from Russia.

Among infinite turns of the German surnames making family tree Rabeneck, surname Столяровы - unique Russian. The daughter of Franz Rabeneck and Anna Wilhelmina b. Brogelmann – Bertha was married Vladimir Aphanacievich Stoljarov – merchant from Peterburg. She had sons - Vladimir, Victor, Paul, daughters Olga, Maria. Her son Vladimir Aphanasievich continued dyeing bisness but not within the limits firm «Franz Rabeneck» in Bolshevo with his cousin Gugo Maksimovich Wogau and he founded dyeing-tannic factory in Dorogomilovo near Moscow.

So in Elberfeld Franz Rabeneck has appeared after a marriage on Anna Maria Wilhelmina Brogelmann. Rabenecks were not from Elberfeld not industrialists. Another matter – Broegelmanns, who were living in Elberfeld in 16 century  and  occupied high position in city administration and were industrialists.

Genealogy of family Rabeneck

            1. Gaspar Henrich from Enger

Wife - Sharlotta Henriette Poobensik.

2/1. Franz Genrich Ditrich Rabeneck (30.01.1787, Enger - 1859, Коblenz).

Wife – Anna Wilhelmina Broegelmann (b. 7.02.1786-?). Marriage 3.10.1810.

3/1. Ludwig August Rabeneck (b. 18.08.1791. Enger – 01.1862, Moscow)

Wife - Elisabete Quack. Marriage 31.07.1833

4/2. Johann Edward Rabeneck (b. 27.07.1811 Elberfeld  - 2.11.1873. Wurzburg).

Wife – Pauline Jagenberg (14.05.1821, Solingen - 18.12.1903, Budingen). Marriage 1846. Children: Anna, Emma, Fritz, Georg, Helene.

5/2. Herman Rabeneck (b. 19.12.1818, Elberfeld - 13.01.1892, Wisbaden).

Wife - Julie Holterhoff (p. 4.08.1835 - 13.09.1885, Wisbaden). Marriage. 1853. Children: Franz, Berta, Julie, Emilie, Matilde, Klara.

    6/2. Bertha nee Rabeneck (b. 20.08.1813, Elberfeld - 1855, Moscow). Children: Vladimir, Maria, Оlga, Victor, Paul.

Husband – Vladimir Aphanasievich Stoljarow (b. 8.06.1801, СПб. + 1875, Moscow

His 2-th wife - Amalie nee Pauli. (b. 1818 -1895, Moscow ).

2. Emilie nee Rabeneck (b. 16.08.1815, Elberfeld + 01.12.1890, Moscow).

Husband - Filipp von Wogau (27.05.1807, Frankfurt a M + 1.02.1880, Moscow). Children: Emilie, Otto, Gugo, Emma.

8/2. Maria nee Rabeneck (+ 6.09.1852, Solingen). Marriage 1845.

Husband - Emil Jagenberg, b. 3.05.1813 + 10.04.1905.

9/4. Fritz Rabeneck (b. 10.11.1854 - 19.06.1905).

Жена – Emilie Shmeling. Marriage !889. Children: Gerbert (b. 1890- ?), Greta (b. 1891), Helmut (b. 1892-?), Wilhelm (b. 1894-?).

10/4. Emma nee Rabeneck (b. 10.11.1852 -11.1913).

Husband – Edward Berens (b. 18.09.1843 - 1.10Л 916, Lubanovo near to Moscow),

11/4. Anna nee Rabeneck (b. 29.06.1850, Moscow - 10.05.1883, Moscow). Children: Маria, Robert, Valter, Elsa.

Husband - Georg Carnatz (b. 24.07.1836, Rostok - 8.03.1909, Моscow).

12/4. Georg Rabeneck (b. 20.09.1856 - 23.03.1893).

Wife – Pauline Rullmann. Marriage 1879. Children: Evald (b. 9.11.1881-?), Bertha (b. 20.10.1888-?).

13/4. Helene nee Rabeneck. (b. 10.05.1860-?).

Husband – Georg Osteried. Marriage 1891. Children: Margarette (b. 30.09.1892-?),

14/5. Franz Rabeneck (b. 7.12.1834 - 1.11.1907).

15/5. Bertha nee Rabeneck (b. 12.01.1836-?).

Husband – Karl Jagenberg.  Marriage 19.03.1876 г.

16/5. Julie nee Rabeneck (b. 21.06.1837-?).

Husband - Julius Kessler.

17/5. Emilie nee Rabeneck (b. 7.08.1839-?),

Husband - Otto Siebert.

18/5. Matilda (b. 02. 1862 - 21.06.1900, Wisbaden).

Husband  - Richard Jagenberg (? - 21.06.1900).

19/5. Clara nee Rabeneck (b. 4.05.1863-?).

20/6. Vladimir Stoljarow (b. 13.04.1843, Моscow - 23.04.1920).

Wife – Eleonore Heusner (b. 1841-1923?). Children: Alex, Мaksimilian, Vasilii, Helene.

21/6. Victor Stoljarow (b. 24.04.1853- ?).

22/6. Paul Stoljarow (b. 6.07.1855 - 1901).

Wife – Elisabette Suslennikova. Children - Michael, Georg, Nicolas.

23/6. Оlga nee Stoljarow (b. 28.06.1851-?).

Husband – Egenii Schinemann. Son - Artur.

 24/6. Маria nee Stoljarow (b. 1846 - 12.1898). Daughters in law - Sophie and Ida

25/7. Husband – Otto Wogau (b. 22.09.1844 - 6.01.1904)

26/7. Gugo Wogau (b. 20.05.1849 - 13.03.1923)

Wife – Adel Shpiss (? - 19.01.1929).

27/7. Philipp Wogau (?- до 1898).

Wife – Emma Pavlovna.

28/7. Emilie nee Wogau (b. 1844 -14.02.1866). Daughter - Emilie.

Husband – Conrad Bansa (b. 23.08.1842 - 22.08.1901).

29/7. Emma nee Wogau (b. 22.08.1840 -15.05.1919).

1- husband – Friedrich Wilhelm Hermdnn (+ 1879). Son - Rudolph Hermann.

2-husband - Conrad Bansa (b. 23.08.1842 + 22.08.1901).

30/10. Marie Berens (b. 26.08.1876, Moscow  27.01.1945? Praga).

Husband - Carl von Schlippe (b. 28.10.1874 - 1935).

31/20. Vasilie Vasiljevich Stoljarow (b. 1870 -1932).

Wife  - Sophie Konstantinovna nee Boutuginaа (b. 1874 -1943). Children: Helene, Alexandra, Konstantin.

32/20. Alex Stoljarow (b. 1867+ 1935)

Wife – Adel nee Shtilmark (b. 1874-?). Children: Alex, Vladimir, Maximilian, Georg.

33/20. Маximilian Stoljarow (b. 1881-?).

34/20. Helene nee Stoljarow (b. 1871-?).

Husband – Carl Amlong.

35/24. Sophie nee Wogau (b. 16.11.1880-?).

Husband – Rodolph Shpiss (р. 14.09.1874 - 1958).

36/26. Emilie nee Wogau (р. 2.12,1890-?).

37/26. Emma nee Wogau (b. 26.02.1875-?).

Husband – Georg Braun.

38/26. Elsa nee Wogau (b. 18.11.1876 - 1928).  Two sons.

Husband - Gugo Marc (b. 1869 - 1918).

39/26. Ada-Maria nee Wogau (b. 20.07.1879 - 15.07.1923).

Husband  - Alexander von Schlippe (b. 12.11.1876-?).

40/26. Clara nee Wogau (b. 12.11.1883 -?).

Husband – Robert Wilsar. Daughter –Adel.

41/28. Emilie nee Bansa (b. 1866 - 1947).

Husband -Karl Charles Osterried (b. 9.01.1866 - 1905).

42/29. Rudolph Hermann (b. 1876 - 1919).

Wife — Маria nee Bansa (b. 30.04.1867 - 30.04.1947).

43/39. Elisabette Schlippe (b. 1901 - 1980, Germany).

Husband – Piotr Michaelovski.

44/39.   Maria Anna nee Schlippe (b. 1912-?).

Husband – Коnstantin Ponomarov.

45/39. Vladimir Schlippe (р 1903-?).

46/31. Helene Stoljarow (b. 10.09.1908 -3.03.1975).

Husband – Nicolai Vasiljevich Solovjov (b. 8.11.1906 -6.02.1984). Children: Julie avtor of Genealogy and son Nicolas.

47/31. Alexandra Stoljarow (b. 13.05.1910 - 1980). Daughter Nadegeda.

49/31. Konstantin Stoljarow (b. 22.01.1912 - 1.10.1992). Children  Olga (b. 1951 - 2003) and son Vitalii (b. 1958).

Wife – Cardelia nee Seka.

50/22. Оleg Georgievich Stoljarow (b. 1930).

Wife - Galina.

51/35. Оtto Shpiss (b. 11.01.1902-?).

Wife – Аnna Mitchel (b. 6.09.1903-?). Children: Robert, Nicjlas, Maja, Diana (US).

52/38. Maximilian Marc (b. 1895 - 1938). Son and daughter - Irina.

53/46. Julie Solovjova (b. 3.08.1037). Son – Ivan Loukjanzev (b. 11.01.1970).

1- husband – Vladimir Loukjanzev (b. 2.09.1939 - 7.04.1972).

2- husband -  Lev Kitaev (b. 12.04.1933


I am Julie Solovjova, graduated Moscow university, jn laser optic. Her mother, father, brother? husband gradutated also Moscow university.

With pension I am interesting in genealogy and history.

I wrote and myself educated 27 small books in history of some families and localities.

My hobby – manuel embroidery of rug.